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Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.3: Durotan

Hot on the heels of Lords of War: Grommash Hellscream, comes the story of Thrall's father, Durotan of the Frostwolves, along with somewhat of a change of pace. As with the previous two installments of the series, part three begins with Maraad and Varian conversing over a tactical map, deliberating on how to handle the Iron Horde threat. Maraad assures Varian that not all orcs are monsters, and tells the tale of Durotan, who braved the harsh winter of Frostfire Ridge alone, without his clan, in an attempt to save his mother. His efforts exacted a harsh toll, a lesson Durotan has never forgotten.


Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.4: Kilrogg Deadeye

Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.3: Durotan

Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.2: Grommash Hellscream

Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.1: Shattered Hand