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Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.2: Grommash Hellscream

The second installment of Blizzards animated short series Lords of War debuted, shedding more background on the leader of the Iron Horde: Grommash Hellscream. There's not doubt that Grommash is a pivotal figure in the upcoming expansion, with his son, Garrosh, having been a central figure in the Mists of Pandaria. Like the previous installment of Lords of War, the new episode opens with Maraad urging Varian to take the offensive and march through the new Dark Portal to face the Iron Horde head on. He then goes on to tell the tale of the events that earned Grommash the undying loyalty of his Warsong clan and how he, against incredible odds, bested the ogre nations united against him. We also get a glimpse of Grommash's mate, Golka, and her fate at the hands of the retaliating ogres.


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Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.3: Durotan

Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.2: Grommash Hellscream

Lords of War Animated Miniseries Ep.1: Shattered Hand