Dec 26 Views (1456)

Albion Online: Various Changes & Game Card

Regarding MMORPG Albion Online developers have revealed a new video in which they shared their plans for the future. Followed by, some details are also found out. By the way, Many of players are in preparation for cheap albion online gold



Game Card will get improvements. For example, it will be possible zoom'a by which map will zoom out further and get more useful information.Also, we can expect the emergence of cities, based on biomes system. That is, each city will finally be different from each other The team wants to make the game world more natural. We are talking about the introduction of unique areas with certain objects (rivers, mountains).


It is necessary to expect the camps with few NPCs (and private compartment), resource veins that guard opponents, altars, which will be able to get the essence, factional raid zones that look like the site, and the transitions between regions, opening faster, but rather unsafe route.


Additionally, for the Royal Islander as well as the system of provinces is redesigned, you can find out more here: UPAlbion. Assumption that you go to the Albion Online, notably, keep in mind that look in the mailbox to pick up snowballs, fireworks as well as some gift.